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Check out the FAQs

How much do I earn on the RENIE Bins i am subscribed to?

Every kg of plastic that gets collected and recycled through the RENIE Bins where you are subscribed to will earn you 0,19 USD or 0,64 AED.

How much of the collected plastic gets recycled?

Every Renie bin is connected to our tracking system that tracks every piece of plastic from the bin to the recycler, because of this we can assure that 100% of the plastic collected in RENIE Bins gets recycled.

Or there any hidden costs?

There are no hidden costs, a one time subscription fee for every bin is the only cost.
Why do you use blockchain technology for tracking At Renie we believe in transparency, thanks to the use of blockchain we decentralize our tracking data. This makes the data undeniable and verifiable. Nobody can fool the system.


Do I need to reach a certain threshold before I can request for a payout?

yes, The minimum payout amount is $50USD.

Do you share personal data on blockchain?

No, we only share tracking data on blockchain in order to verify recycling of plastic. 

Can anyone subscribe to a Renie bin?

Yes, any Individual or any company can subscribe to a Renie bin.

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